Business that prepares and distributes sandwiches/ ready-to-eat meals, in grocery stores and convenience stores in addition to a catering service

Asking price: 535 000$

Reason for sale: Career change

Company information

  • Land Area: 17,000 ft2
  • Commercial bulding area: 1,904 ft2
  • Year of acquisition: 2012
  • Established Year: 1990
  • Full-time Employees: 7
  • Part-time Employees: 0

Financial information

  • Annual Sales: $780,183
  • Monthly Payroll: $16,409
  • EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization): $49,299

  • Assets Included in the Sale:

    land, building, inventory, supplies, furniture, equipment, goodwill

This New Brunswick family business was founded in 1990 and has been operating successfully ever since. The company’s primary business is the preparation and distribution of sandwiches and ready-to-eat meals in grocery and convenience stores. This company also has a side business of catering. The company is located in northwestern New Brunswick, on a main axis, which allows it to establish its visibility and reputation over a large part of the province.


This company first became known for preparing and distributing fresh sandwiches to grocery and convenience stores. Its quality sandwiches are popular with customers. In fact, they are a safe bet, because the company has developed a standardization process to produce its sandwiches, in accordance with current Health Standards. Its sandwiches have even been analyzed in a laboratory, to be able to set an expiry date. The company’s objective is to ensure customer satisfaction by guaranteeing the same taste, the same ingredients, and the same proportions every time. The company distributes its sandwiches under its own brand in convenience stores and grocery stores.


In addition to sandwiches, the company has also developed a line of healthy meals to meet the demand of customers who have been looking for healthier meals in recent years. Like the sandwiches, these fresh “ready-to-eat” meals are distributed to convenience stores and other grocery stores.    


In addition, the company also prepares and delivers prepared meals to the home, every day of the week. This service is open to all types of clients (workers, seniors, etc.).


The company also offers catering services. This service is in high demand in the summer and during the holidays. For its catering activity, the company offers a wide range of menus to customers (cold meals, hot meals, wine and cheese, etc.).


The company has the necessary permits to carry out its activity.


This company is currently expanding geographically. It is active in many counties in New Brunswick, mainly from the north to the west essentially. Over the years, the company has built up a loyal clientele thanks to its reliability, its good reputation, and the quality of its products. Its customers can be individuals, groups, or companies.


The sale price includes a residential building that is juxtaposed to the company’s building. This building could be rented or become an extension of the business.


Many development opportunities could be considered by the future buyer. He could strengthen the catering service or expand the geographical area in which the company currently operates.


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